Author Archive | admin

History of IQ test

Some children are given an intelligence quotient (IQ) test in order to test their mental ability and determine what they can handle in their academia. However, many people may not realize the history of the IQ test. According to, British scientist Sir Frances Galton was one of the first people to be recognized for […]

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Technology is enabling companies to assess potential hires in new ways

Technology is changing the face of nearly every industry in the world, and big data is playing as important a role in that evolution as anything else. One of the most important ways big data is transforming industry is the ability it gives companies, especially large corporations, to search for information on potential hires, including their […]

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Researchers link postoperative pain to temporary memory problems

Significant information shows that different types of surgery can have an effect on the mind. For example, the Cleveland Clinic states that individuals who undergo cardiac bypass surgery could experience short- or long-term cognitive changes. New evidence indicates that a surgical incision and the pain it causes could influence the postoperative cognitive dysfunction patients experience. Researchers from […]

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Study links music instruction in childhood to future success

Parents who want their children to grow up to become well-rounded adults may encourage them to participate in a wide range of activities from a young age. Music instruction and other artistic endeavors are especially popular options, and a new study from Michigan State University reveals that such experience could lead to professional success in adulthood. MSU researchers reached […]

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Brain abnormalities present in former football players

Anyone who has ever watched a game of tackle football knows how easily head injuries can occur in this rough-and-tumble sport. While athletes typically receive medical treatment following a serious injury on the field, they may not realize how long complications from blows to the head can linger. New research from the Department of Medicine at Imperial […]

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Personality changes can follow brain surgery

It is not uncommon for individuals with brain tumors to experience changes to the way they think or behave. The Preston Robert Tisch Brain Tumor Center at Duke University Medical Center states that changes can vary from forgetting important events to sudden outbursts of anger. While personality changes are common before individuals undergo brain surgery to remove […]

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Study reveals new proof of physical activity’s impact on brain health

Mood improvements, more energy and better weight control are just three possible benefits of regular physical activity, according to the Mayo Clinic. Past studies have also identified a link between exercise and cognitive improvements. New research from Harvard Medical School and the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute has revealed even more evidence to back up this claim. In […]

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Time in an ICU linked to cognitive impairment

If the findings of a recent Vanderbilt University study are correct, individuals may want to take an IQ test after receiving treatment from an intensive care unit. The research, which appears in the New England Journal of Medicine, reveals that signs of cognitive impairment often appear following time in an ICU. Members of the University's […]

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Unconventional ways of finding work

There are the conventional ways people find employment opportunities, such as through networking and online job postings, and there are the more unorthodox ways. It is these latter, more unpredictable methods of finding work that may give frustrated job seekers hope. CBS MoneyWatch recently highlighted a few of the unconventional ways people have found jobs. For instance, Simon […]

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Interactive Testing