Author Archive | admin

Eating lunch at work can increase cognition

Feeling stressed at the office? Helpguide suggests scheduling regular breaks for yourself throughout the workday. Something so simple as eating lunch away from your desk can provide the relief you need from whatever daily work pressures. However, workers may want to think twice before they take that next lunch break, as eating lunch out can affect people's cognitive […]

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Lifelong bookworms have better memory in old age

Based on the results of a new study, individuals who read and participate in other brain-stimulating activities throughout their lives tend to be rewarded in old age with better memory. As a result, those who consider themselves to be bookworms may want to take an IQ test and see if their lust for literature has had a positive […]

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‘Contagious’ attitude may lead to depression

When individuals take a personality test, they have an opportunity to gain insight into the different traits that make them who they are. The results of one of these assessments may also be able to identify risk factors for depression, which can be "contagious," according to the findings of a recent study. Psychological scientists from the […]

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National unemployment rate continues to decline

The nation's unemployment rate has come a long way since the beginning of last year. Whereas 2013 began with a 7.9 percent unemployment rate, this figure was down to 7.3 percent this past August, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. With this information in mind, those who have been putting off their employment […]

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Heavy drinking and smoking are bad for the brain

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention state that smoking cigarettes can harm almost every organ in the body, while drinking excessive alcohol may lead to the development of chronic diseases. Despite these risks, many people continue to use these substances. If these individuals knew the combination of smoking and heavy drinking could speed up cognitive decline, they may […]

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Many children develop TBIs after blows to the head

When children receive a severe blow to the head, it is essential they receive immediate medical attention, as they may have suffered a traumatic brain injury (TBI). Even after these individuals recover, it does not hurt for parents to have them complete an IQ test for kids to see if their cognitive abilities have been affected in […]

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14-year-old needs visa to go to college

With the right mix of brains and drive, Arjun Singh, a resident of Kowloon City, Hong Kong, has the potential to become a stellar college student. According to the South China Morning Post, there is only one thing standing in his way – a visa. Arjun is only 14 years old and, as a result, is too young to receive […]

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Too much television may hamper kindergartners’ success

A strong start to students' academic careers in kindergarten could lay the foundation for long-term school success. However, the amount of television children are exposed to in their early years could derail their chances of excelling in kindergarten, according to a recent University of Montreal study. Based on research involving 1,006 boys and 991 girls in […]

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Interactive Testing