Gifted children are particularly prone to fascination with space. Here are some NASA facts for your gifted children.

Gifted children are particularly prone to fascination with space. Here are some NASA facts for your gifted children.
Parents of gifted children can guide their kids toward experts to answer complex questions about interesting topics.
Along with some of the more famous ones celebrated in America, like Hanukkah and Christmas, there are many festive occasions this month all over the world.
Gifted children often experience heightened emotions, but they don’t always know how to express their feelings.
Kids’ IQs may also be related to when they were born in relation to their brothers and sisters, according to a new study.
While many Mensa members hail from developed countries, there are plenty of undiscovered children with impressive intelligence in emerging nations.
A study has found that students with self-discipline may score better grades than those with high IQs.
According to the University of Glasgow, researchers at the school performed a study and found that children with high IQs are prone to having bipolar disorder later in life.
Gifted children may have heightened emotions and experience their feelings more intensely than others their age.
According to the Daily Gazette, 12-year-old Lydia Sebastian not only aced the Mensa test, she scored an elusive 162 – two points higher than Steven Hawking and Albert Einstein.