Gaining entry into Mensa, the high IQ society, is no small feat. After all, not just anybody can join. According to Mensa International's website, members have to have an IQ that is in the top 2 percent of the population to join the organization, which is comprised of around 110,000 Mensans. Elizabeth, Kate and Victoria Wilson, who are triplets, understand […]
Archive | News and Information
How social media use can backfire during the job search
Individuals who are searching for jobs often hear about the networking benefits that come with creating a LinkedIn account, or how Twitter can inform them of employment opportunities. The truth is, social media can be just as useful a tool during the job search as a career test or high-quality resume. However, if […]
The right and wrong traits of entrepreneurs
Some individuals think they have what it takes to start and run their own company, only to discover this level of responsibility is not for them. This is why the results of an aptitude test can be so vital to prospective entrepreneurs. After taking this type of assessment, individuals will be able to see if […]
Social media users fear how posts will affect their employment status
During the job search, there are many tools at individuals' disposal, such as an aptitude test. While the results of this assessment can be helpful, job seekers should not ignore the impact everyday actions can have on the odds of finding work. For example, something as simple as updating their Facebook status could move […]
Glassdoor highlights the nation’s best places to work
While everyone has his or her own ideal employment situation, there are certain companies that have a reputation for landing on lists highlighting the nation's best places to work. Just knowing that certain organizations are considered to be more popular places to work than others can help potential candidates overcome the competition they […]
Regular personalities take a vacation on holiday
When people take a vacation, there is a profound impact on their mental health, Francine Lederer, a clinical psychologist, told Inside Science. This action can provide them with a better perspective on life and foster greater motivation, she said. However, that's not all a vacation can do. According to, a website dedicated to comparing the […]
Eating lunch at work can increase cognition
Feeling stressed at the office? Helpguide suggests scheduling regular breaks for yourself throughout the workday. Something so simple as eating lunch away from your desk can provide the relief you need from whatever daily work pressures. However, workers may want to think twice before they take that next lunch break, as eating lunch out can affect people's cognitive […]
Lifelong bookworms have better memory in old age
Based on the results of a new study, individuals who read and participate in other brain-stimulating activities throughout their lives tend to be rewarded in old age with better memory. As a result, those who consider themselves to be bookworms may want to take an IQ test and see if their lust for literature has had a positive […]
‘Contagious’ attitude may lead to depression
When individuals take a personality test, they have an opportunity to gain insight into the different traits that make them who they are. The results of one of these assessments may also be able to identify risk factors for depression, which can be "contagious," according to the findings of a recent study. Psychological scientists from the […]
Better memory linked to sound stimulation during sleep
Most people understand that an appropriate amount of sleep is an essential ingredient to a successful day. According to the American Psychological Association, past research has shown that sleepiness can take a toll on individuals' ability to make effective decisions. While regular sleep is known to have a positive effect on the brain, new research […]