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Research suggests AEDs could affect neurodevelopment of unborn children in their teen years

  Several studies have been conducted in the past to determine how an unborn child’s cognitive skills could be affected by his or her mother during pregnancy. New research published in the journal Epilepsia finds that mothers who take multiple antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) in order to control their epileptic seizures could potentially cause poor school […]

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New study finds that light drinking during pregnancy may not affect intelligence

  Expectant parents can often stress about the kinds of things they are exposing their unborn child to, and wondering if it could have lasting side effects on areas such as intellectual development. Some individuals may be concerned about lightly drinking alcohol and how it could possibly harm their unborn child’s cognitive function. However, researchers […]

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Iron could potentially help a child’s IQ score

Parents who are looking to boost their child’s IQ scores can use different methods that have been shown to increase brain power.  Scientists have pointed to some nutrients that could potentially help or hurt brain development, depending on the dosage that individuals receive on a regular basis.   An iron deficiency has the potential to stunt a child’s brain development, […]

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Interactive Testing