Archive | News and Information

Study finds female executives are more than twice as likely to leave their positions

In the current state of the economy, many people are concerned about their job security, despite how they may feel about their positions.  However, a new study found that a female executive is more likely to leave her role than her male counterpart. According to research published in Economic Inquiry, women executives were more than twice as likely to leave their […]

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Personality tests may limit the number of narcissists in business schools

  Many individuals entering business school could have a certain sense of narcissism, which could cause problems within the program. As a result of this behavior, BusinessWeek is reporting that some business schools are opting to give personality tests to their students in order to determine what kind of applicants they’re receiving. The news provider […]

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Summer is a great time to practice…

We are asked all the time, "What is the best time of the year to purchase practice materials and when should I start practicing?".  Most tend to wait until the last minute to purchase the materials, but one of the best times is actually during the summer months. Bright Education offers practice test accounts for the standardized […]

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Free Kids Assessment

Hey, Kids! Ever want to know how much smarter you are than 5th graders?  You can take the free kids assessment test, "Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader?" and find out! This free quiz has 15 questions that were given to actual Fifth Grade students.  Once you finish the test, your results are compared with how well those […]

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What is the Florida FCAT?

The Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test, more commonly known as the FCAT, is a series of exams given to students of specific grade levels over the course of their public school career.  As Florida’s public schools are guided by detailed “Sunshine State Standards” and benchmarks in all core realms of academia, the FCAT serves to critically […]

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What’s in the ITBS? – Grades 1-2 (Levels 7-8)

The ITBS testing (Iowa Test of Basic Skills) is a comprehensive standardized assessment test which evaluates a student’s level in all of the major subject areas including Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Science. Here is a breakdown of what specifically is covered for grades 1 & 2: Vocabulary Reading Vocabulary  Word Analysis  Assess how well students […]

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About the TerraNova Testing

The TerraNova is a nationally-administered standardized assessment test similar to the ITBS (Iowa Test of Basic Skills) and the SAT-10 (Stanford Achievement Test, Version 10).  The overall purpose of the TerraNova is to provide achievement scores that are valid for most types of educational decision-making.  This gives teachers, parents, and tutors a better understanding of a student’s educational strengths and weaknesses […]

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What is the ITBS?

The Iowa Test of Basic Skills, or more commonly know as the "Iowa Test" or "ITBS Test" is a nationally administered assessment for children in grades kindergarten through eigth grade.  The test itself is divided into different levels which are roughly equated to a specific corresponding grade level. Level 6 = Grade K-1     The purpose […]

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Why SAT-10?

Many schools throughout the nation use the Stanford Achievement Test, Tenth Edition for their standardized assessment testing.  Tests such as these can be great tools to help pinpoint weaknesses as well as assess strengths.  Since the actual test can be used for placement and evaluation purposes, it is essential that students do well and are well […]

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Interactive Testing