During the job search, names matter – to some employers

Whether individuals are out of work or looking to switch careers, creating an effective resume, perfecting their interview strategies and making sure they have the proper credentials are probably top priorities. One thing they have very little control over is their name – something that may actually influence companies' hiring decisions. According to CBS MoneyWatch, a […]

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Girl’s IQ places her in the top 1 percent of the world’s population

In order to land a membership with Mensa International, individuals need to possess an IQ in the top 2 percent of the population, according to the high IQ society's website. After taking a Mensa IQ test, 15-year-old Fabiola Mann learned that her score actually placed her in the top 1 percent of the world's most intelligent people, The Economic Times reported. In […]

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Who is Smarter: Romney or Obama?

President Obama has a clear lead among Internet users when we asked the question "Which Candidate for President do you think has the higher IQ?" Respondents selected Obama over Governor Romney by a 3-1 margin, 74-26 percent. See Video and Full Results with Charts Here Strangely, 27 percent of people who chose Obama said it […]

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High blood pressure during pregnancy may influence children’s IQs

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one in three adults in the U.S. has high blood pressure. If these individuals happen to be pregnant women, their unborn children's cognitive abilities may be at risk, based on new research from Finland's University of Helsinki. The study, which appears in the American Academy of Neurology's medical […]

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How baby boomers can overcome age discrimination in their job search

According to the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, age discrimination, such as not hiring an individual based on age, is against the law. Unfortunately, it still occurs in companies across the nation. Based on survey results from Millennial Branding – a research and consulting firm – and Beyond.com – an online career network – baby […]

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How to follow up after a job interview

After individuals take a career test, find the ideal job and nail an interview, they might assume their work is over. However, in many ways, what people do after their job interview is just as important as the interview itself. Today, most employers feel job applicants should send them a follow-up note after the interview. […]

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Business school success may be linked to certain traits

While entrepreneurs do not need to possess a set number of personality traits, they tend to have certain characteristics that help them launch and grow their own businesses. For instance, the U.S. Small Business Administration states that individuals interested in entrepreneurship should be independent, persuasive, creative and comfortable with taking risks. Before entrepreneurs go on […]

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People with low IQs may lead unhappy lives

When people have an exceptionally high IQ, they may have trouble relating to those who are of average intelligence. However, gifted individuals would probably prefer to have a few social problems compared to some of the issues the BBC reports those with a low IQ could be dealing with, such as poor health and unhappiness. […]

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Interactive Testing