How to follow up after a job interview

How to follow up after a job interview

After individuals take a career test, find the ideal job and nail an interview, they might assume their work is over. However, in many ways, what people do after their job interview is just as important as the interview itself.

Today, most employers feel job applicants should send them a follow-up note after the interview. This email or hand-written letter should thank the hiring manager for his time and re-establish the applicant's interest in the position.

"Always remember that getting a job is stressful and sending an interview thank-you letter can be your key to success," Yahoo! reports. "For instance, if you have similar skills and expertise with other candidates, a thank-you letter will probably make your application more interesting and may just be the one thing to give you a competitive edge when the time for the final decision comes."

While sending a thank-you letter is a wise decision, applicants should avoid following up with hiring managers excessively after an interview. If people call and email their prospective employers weekly to ask when they will make their final decision, they can quickly go from eager to annoying, U.S. News reports. The hiring process can often be long and arduous, so if individuals do not hear back from the company immediately, they should not panic. 

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