A career test can lead to a more focused job search

 A career test can lead to a more focused job search

While the competition for many available jobs is stiff right now, there are steps people can take to increase their chances of finding work.

The first thing jobseekers can do is take a career test and figure out what type of position would best suit their personality and skill set. With this information, these individuals will be better equipped to focus their job search.

Time Magazine recently reported that narrowing one’s job search is much more conducive to landing a position than sending resumes in response to online job postings. Passion shows and, as a result, the news source recommended that jobseekers devote their efforts to finding work with employers that they have a genuine interest in.

If jobseekers stay positive and persistent, prospective employers may pick up on their passion and drive during interviews, the news outlet stated. During the job search, people should also hone their skills in the areas of leadership and communication. The better rounded individuals are, the greater their chances of being hired.

5 Responses to A career test can lead to a more focused job search

  1. timothy December 11, 2011 at 10:12 pm #

    make my grades better.

  2. eve January 4, 2012 at 2:50 pm #

    i hope this career test will lead me to more focused job search.

  3. Lydia Shu January 5, 2012 at 5:27 am #

    I do agree a career test is essential esp. with the fact that many job seekers still are not sure what kind of jobs suit them better.

  4. jane January 9, 2012 at 12:52 am #

    I just wan to know the job fits me

  5. alaa January 10, 2012 at 5:30 pm #


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