Could a rigorous early education curriculum lead to healthier life choices in the future?

Intervening with academics at an early age could pay off for children in the long run 

For parents, ensuring their children have the best education future possible can be crucial. As a result of this, many adults look to explore programs that really focus on enriching children in academics at an early age. Now, a new study is suggesting that this could potentially lead to healthier behaviors later in the child’s life.
According to researchers at Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health, children who had intensive education interventions beginning at infancy grew up to make significantly better health decisions in young adulthood compared to children who did not get the education intervention.
However, while the study’s authors believe that this is a good starting point, they recognize there is still a lot of research to be done for more conclusive evidence tying the two together.
"While much remains to be learned about both the pathways linking education to health and the overall effect sizes of education on health, our study provides causal evidence in support of the hypothesis that early education enhancements may improve income, reduce crime, and even enhance the global competitiveness of the American workforce," said co-author Dr. Peter Meunnig.
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