Early childhood education can improve future well-being

Research shows that early childhood education can greatly impact an individual's life. 

A recent study by researchers from the Human Capital Research Collaborative and the University of Minnesota shows that the quality of education that children receive when they are young greatly impacts their adulthood. In order to obtain these results, researchers used the Chicago Longitudinal Study.

The professionals analyzed more than 1,400 people whose lives have been tracked for 25 years. Their study shows that youths who began participating in early childhood programs at the age of 3 were more successful in their education, had a higher socioeconomic status and had better job skills, compared to those who did not enroll in similar programs. These individuals also had lower rates of substance abuse problems and a diminished risk of incarceration.

Specifically, the results show that, of children who participated in educational programs at a young age, 9 percent more finished high school, 28 percent less had been in jail, 36 percent fewer had been arrested for violence and 28 percent less had abused drugs or alcohol, compared to those who did not complete early education programs.

Parents who are concerned about the quality of their children’s education may want to consider asking them to take a kid’s IQ test. This can show adults where their children are academically compared to their peers.

One Response to Early childhood education can improve future well-being

  1. Meliton October 22, 2015 at 1:36 pm #

    I think you’ve just captured the answer pectrefly

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