How to prepare for an online job interview

How to prepare for an online job interview

In a world driven by technology, not every job interview has to take place in person, or even over the phone. These days, it is not uncommon for some companies to schedule an online interview with applicants. If job seekers agree to sit for a web-based conversation, they are going to want to take it as seriously as they would a face-to-face conversation.

If candidates want to make a good impression on a potential employer, they cannot afford any technical glitches they could easily have avoided. Before individuals sit for an online interview, Mashable suggests they make sure their webcam, microphone and other essential equipment is in working order.

The news source also highlights the importance of looking presentable during an online interview. Just because job seekers are in the comfort of their own home does not mean they should carry on a conversation in a bathrobe.

Job seekers must be careful how they appear to their interviewer. When it comes to posture, CBS MoneyWatch recommends looking relaxed yet attentive. At the same time, individuals need to remember to make eye contact with whoever they are talking to, and not stare at the image of themselves on their computer screen.

These strategies, in addition to the results of a career test and a strong resume, may ensure that individuals land their ideal job.

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