Individuals can use Pinterest to pin their way to a job

Individuals can use Pinterest to pin their way to a job

Pinterest, a social media website that allows users to pin pictures they find on the internet onto online pinboards, has only been around since 2010. In just two years, the platform's popularity has rapidly increased. In fact, TechCrunch recently reported that Pinterest is the web's fastest-growing social network.

As more people embrace Pinterest, they are realizing it has uses beyond picture sharing. For example, the website's features may prove useful to tech-savvy jobseekers, according to Mashable.

One thing jobseekers may want to try is using Pinterest to create a resume pinboard. Once they have established their board, they can pin pictures of schools they attended, past employers and whatever hobbies they enjoy. When faced with a stack of resumes, hiring managers may even enjoy seeing credentials laid out visually.

If jobseekers choose to create a resume using Pinterest, they still need to share it somehow. The news source recommends linking to it through Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn so people can find it. In addition, the link should be written on paper resumes as well.

Of course, no matter how individuals decide to enhance their job prospects, they want to make sure they are entering the right type of field. Taking a career test may be able to put them on the right path early on.


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