Latino children may be susceptible to poor school performance if their sibling is disabled

Latino children may be more affected if their sibling has disabilities

Latino families who have a child with developmental disabilities such as Down syndrome or autism may also want to observe their other children, as a new study is suggesting that their sibling’s condition could also affect their school performance or anxiety.

Researchers from the Bradley Habro Children’s Research Center report that children with developmental disabilities have an overall effect on the whole family, particularly their siblings. These children developed signs of anxiety and a lack of coping skills, which also could affect the children’s relationship with their parents.
"When a child has a disability, all members of the family are affected, including siblings," said lead author Dr. Debra Lobato. "However, little attention has been paid to the influence of cultural factors on the functioning of siblings. Our cultural backgrounds influence who we consider to be our siblings, as well as the expectations and relationships we have with our brothers and sisters."
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