While the knowledge individuals acquire in college will help them in their job search, what they learned in a degree program is not all they will need to land the perfect position. Job seekers' personal qualities and habits, or soft skills, are also important when it comes time for employers to make hiring decisions.
In fact, the ability to communicate well, solve problems and other soft skills are considered to be very important to chief financial officers (CFOs), according to the results of a recent Accountemps survey. Many of these professionals said that strong soft skills play a role in individuals' ability to climb up the corporate ladder.
When employees do not possess strong soft skills, they are less likely to perform well at work. Overall, 30 percent of CFOs cited poor interpersonal skills as the primary reason why workers are not advancing. In addition, 25 percent believe the problem is tied to poor work ethic, while 23 percent think these individuals are not developing new skills.
As soft skills play such an important role in people's chances of advancing their careers, they may want to take an aptitude test so they have a clear sense of their strengths and weaknesses.
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