Throw out the chewing gum before a job interview

Career Test

While everybody makes mistakes, jobseekers will want to try and limit the amount of regrettable blunders they are responsible for during an interview – especially in a time when face-to-face meetings with potential employers are hard to come by.

In some cases, jobseekers may not even realize they are making a mistake. Those who are unaware of how their actions influence potential employers’ hiring decisions may want to look at the results of CareerBuilder’s annual survey on interview mistakes.

Based on responses from more than 3,000 employers, hiring and human resource managers, 77 percent feel that answering a cellphone or texting is the most harmful common mistake. In addition, 75 percent believe that appearing disinterested is a turn off, while 72 percent say that dressing inappropriately can hurt candidates’ chances.

Other harmful mistakes that survey respondents have seen include an arrogant demeanor, chewing gum or talking negatively about current and past employers.

According to CBS MoneyWatch, it is important for jobseekers to not appear as though they are fleeing from their last employer, which badmouthing a boss can show. Instead, individuals should give off the impression that they are trying to advance to a better opportunity.

To ensure that jobseekers are interviewing for positions they will feel comfortable holding, these individuals should consider taking a free career test.

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