Visit Twitter before a job interview for breaking company news

Visit Twitter before a job interview for breaking company news

Since the beginning of 2012, the national unemployment rate showed signs that it was slowly on the decline. However, with the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ news that in May, the rate continued to linger at 8.2 percent, concerns that many jobseekers had put to bed may be reappearing.

As a result, jobseekers may want to try everything from taking a career test to following basic job interview preparation tips. However, to ensure success in the modern workforce, individuals will want to make sure they are familiar with the latest interview preparation techniques.

For instance, every job candidate needs to walk into an interview with knowledge of a potential employer’s goods and services. While this research should be done well ahead of an interview, it never hurts to do a last minute online check to see if there has been any breaking news regarding the company.

CBS MoneyWatch recently recommended that job candidates head to Twitter one last time and possibly find some type of news that can be tied into the interview.

"It will make you seem interested, informed and help you stand out from other candidates," Meryl Weinsaft Cooper, co-author of "Be Your Own Best Publicist: Using PR Skills to Get Noticed, Hired and Rewarded At Work," told the news source.

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