If you’ve ever seen the movie “Rain Man,” you’re probably somewhat familiar with savant syndrome.

If you’ve ever seen the movie “Rain Man,” you’re probably somewhat familiar with savant syndrome.
While we typically associate the title of genius with adults (like Albert Einstein or Stephen Hawking), the truth is that those people started off as children.
People who have a low IQ score are more likely to binge drink as adults than people with a high IQ.
Women with a large waist-to-hip ratio tend to have smarter babies than women with a smaller ratio.
While IQ does indicate a person’s intelligence, it does not necessarily offer a glimpse into the future.
In school, you typically take one test at a time – students take one test in math on a given day, rather than a series of them.
Imagine sitting through a day of classes, asking yourself, “When will they show me something new?”
Humans are a social species, so people of all ages and intellects need friends.
Studies have indicated that IQ can be passed down genetically from parent to child.
People who have high IQ scores may be less prone to developing schizophrenia, even if it’s in their bloodline.