For many individuals, it is a given that with age comes greater wisdom. Now, psychologists at the University of Texas at San Antonio know that adolecsents’ higher levels of intelligence are due to the fact that their mental speed increases. These are the findings of a recent study involving 6,969 adolescents, who were between […]
Archive | News and Information
Games designed to improve intelligence
Some people believe that the more they use technology, the smarter they will become. Then, there are those who feel that gadgets like spellcheckers and video games do not do much for their intelligence. However, as more people purchase smartphones and devices like the Apple iPad, more companies are releasing mobile applications that are designed […]
College offers students a chance to take a personality test
Many individuals may take their first personality test while they are in college, as schools often have on-campus career centers where students can receive help finding work. Rio Hondo College in California is one institution that offers these and other services at its Student Career Development Center, El Paisano reported. At this facility, individuals […]
Clear career goals can enhance one’s chances of employment
When jobseekers take career tests, they have an opportunity to better understand the interests and skills they possess and how these attributes can help them find the right position. These assessments can be found at school career centers and online, among other settings. Once these individuals have started a job, having characteristics such as […]
The characteristics of a good manager
There are certain traits that great managers possess that can help ensure a productive work environment, according to BNET, The CBS Interactive Business Network. For instance, the news source reported that managers who have a sense of humor and humility will be able to build better relationships with their employees. Keeping a level-head during […]
Mensa to offer admission IQ tests
Those who feel they are of above-average intelligence may benefit from socializing with like-minded people. For this reason alone, these individuals may want to take an IQ test and see if they are eligible for entry into Mensa. According to the organization’s website, Mensa is an international society of people whose exceptional IQ places […]
Taking a personality test may lead to a better position
Professionals who feel that they are not using all of their talents at work may want to take a personality test. This can help them identify certain abilities they have which are not being used at the office. For example, many professionals are creative, but do not always have the chance to use this talent […]
A career test may point to engaging employment options
The book Career Counseling states that students and other individuals may benefit from taking a career test in order to give their professional lives more focus and direction. These assessments can show people what their strengths and weaknesses are as well as how various work environments would suit them. According to a new study by […]
High IQ test scores allow American student to place eighth in Brain Triathlon
Alabama’s Nick Burt, a recent high school graduate, had the opportunity to travel to Singapore in order to compete in the Brain Triathlon, Baldwin County Now reports. Burt was one of 28 students from across the globe who participated in the competition. In order to qualify for the event, Burt took a pretest that […]
College student creates roommate personality test
When many students go to college for the first time, one of their top concerns is what their roommates will be like. Finding the right person to share a dorm with is important, as these individuals can affect students’ college experience as well as their grades, as shown in a 2011 study by Dartmouth College […]