Jacob Barnett’s story is the ultimate underdog tale.

Jacob Barnett’s story is the ultimate underdog tale.
Parents all hope their kids will have high IQ scores, get into good colleges and lead successful lives – that’s just part of being a parent.
Zhao Bowen was bored in high school, even though he attended the most prestigious preparatory institute in China.
Here are the top three reasons why you may consider testing your children’s IQ.
IQ tests measure several factors to determine how quickly and effectively a person’s mind can process information compared to the population at large.
Psychologists have long debated whether genetics or environment influence the way a person develops.
Some children are given an intelligence quotient (IQ) test in order to test their mental ability and determine what they can handle in their academia. However, many people may not realize the history of the IQ test. According to IQTest.com, British scientist Sir Frances Galton was one of the first people to be recognized for […]
Gifted children have long played an integral role in books, movies and television. One of the all-time classic examples of that is the 1985 science fiction best-seller “Ender’s Game.” And now that the book has been turned into a movie, its lessons in raising a child who is imbued with a special intellect and extraordinary capabilities […]
Technology is changing the face of nearly every industry in the world, and big data is playing as important a role in that evolution as anything else. One of the most important ways big data is transforming industry is the ability it gives companies, especially large corporations, to search for information on potential hires, including their […]
Significant information shows that different types of surgery can have an effect on the mind. For example, the Cleveland Clinic states that individuals who undergo cardiac bypass surgery could experience short- or long-term cognitive changes. New evidence indicates that a surgical incision and the pain it causes could influence the postoperative cognitive dysfunction patients experience. Researchers from […]